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Posted December 20, 2017


We also organized and developed activities for the students based on the formation of an international solar club, a solar week, the construction of solar cars, contests, etc. They were divided into international teams and the students will have build the solar cars  and the international solar week based on their creativity. That way they were exposed to entrepreneurship skills.


There were also organized activities for students where they would be learning about the advantages and drawbacks of the solar energy. They were provided with examples by the teachers. The working language was always English. The activities were strongly connected with the organization and execution of the solar day, where students from the partner countries were asked to actively participate by testing themselves the homemade solar cars in the playground.

Cyprus solar car construction


Slovenia solar car construction



Here our project will focus on the research of the use of the solar energy by ancient civilizations (the Greeks, the Romans, The Arabs, the Egyptians and the Vikings). We are in charge of the amazing Arabic culture. The lower grades (6 to 10 year old) are the target groups for this part. The level of difficulty of the tasks has been adapted to students’ age.


First and second grades have been studying and working with worms and the importance of the sun in their cycle of life and the production of silk.

A continuación podéis ver la presentación que realizaron junto con sus maestras. ¡No os la perdáis!














Third and Fourth grades enjoyed cooking lessons based on Arabic traditional desserts.

El recetario y la actividad fue todo un éxito. Nuestros alumnos y alumnas observaron la destreza de las mamás participantes y aprendieron (¡y degustaron!) los pastelitos y galletas. ¡Deliciosos!


















Fifth and Sixth grades went to the Alhambra palace and improved their knowledge about history, culture and a long etc.

El recinto de la Alhambra es patrimonio universal y nos enorgullece haberlo incorporado a nuestra investigación sobre el uso de la energía solar en la antigüedad.



















¿Sabías que sus estancias funcionaban como reloj solar según la caída del sol y la sombra que proyectaba sobre las paredes?













Click here to see our solar book

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